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b. 1986, Catania , IT

Lives and works in Rome, IT



23 September - 5 November 2022

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Marco Emmanuele was born in Catania in 1986, he lives and works in Rome.

In his research, the relationship with technology and the ability of man to deeply transform the environment in which he lives is always firm. He deals with industrial materials such as steel, ceramics and glass, transmuting their nature in the artistic language and examining them in their expressive potentialities. 

In his last research he experimented the pictoriality of pigments obtained by mixing glue and glass dust. The latter element is chosen by Emmanuele between the debris gathered on the beach, differentiated by color and milled until it is ready to be spread upon the canvas or the panel. The artist juxtaposes pastel chromatisms building the images in flat and materic fields, with a result that shows bold visive assonances with the techniques of the fresco and the mosaic.

Via Santo Stefano, 38 

40125 - Bologna, Italy

Tel.  +39 051 3512448

Mob. +39 348 9325473

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Tue - Sat 10am/1pm - 3pm/7pm

Summer Break

July 27 - Sept. 3, 2024

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Labs Gallery Contemporary Art by Umberto Alessandro Luppi. P.Iva 04464850405.

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